Wednesday, August 8, 2012

I Forgot All About This Blog!

I can't believe that I forgot all about this blog!  I came back to this site; and was very surprised to see this!  Oh dear, life is just too fast and furious these days. 

Well, in keeping with the theme of Diamonds from Bible study, I want to post about an online Bible study that I am doing right now.  It's called The Resolution for Women.  And it's really good.  This week's chapter is about listening and how everything we say comes from the abundance of our hearts.  I am so bad when I talk to people at work - I try to multitask - I have to get that last thing done on the computer when someone comes in to talk to me...and I have realized through this book that that is rude.  A person is giving me a piece of themselves (their time) that cannot be retracted or taken back - and how do I respond?  By getting one last thing done?  Now sometimes, there are tasks that need done, but most of the time, I could plan ahead better so that by the time my friends start coming for Bible study, I could be a bit more free. 

How refreshing it is when someone I am talking to puts everything down and talks to me.  Just me.  No phone calls, or text messages are more important than me at that very moment.  That's the kind of friend I want to be with others.  And how wonderful it is when someone else is actually listening to just me - and not thinking of what they are going to say next, or thinking of their own experiences...but just listening to me.  How it makes me feel loved and special when 2 sentences into my expressing my feelings, she doesn't cut it and talk for the next 15 minutes about how SHE feels.  I need to be that kind of friend more often. 

Saturday, March 24, 2012

It's Over!

He's home, my son is home - it was a very difficult year, 14 OKNG members were killed, two in my son's unit!! I just praise the Lord that He kept Josh safe. More to come!

Friday, July 8, 2011

It's My Facebook and I'll Rant If I Want To!

So, I have to say that I am pretty surprised by some things that I’ve seen on Facebook.  I have such a love/hate relationship with that goofy social network.  Currently, it’s hatred.   I’ve thought of just using it as a medium to stay in touch with far away friends and family members, and deleting everyone else.  There are some people that I don’t even know in real life, we are affiliated with some cause.  I’ve thought about deleting them too. 
But the fact is, I learn a lot from some of those women.  And, as I have entered another stage of my life again, “Army Mom”, I am somewhat reticent to give up those friendships.  I have a bunch of pastor wives facebook friends too – but even though I am no longer a pastor’s wife, as in my husband does not pastor a church but still has an ordination, I learn a lot from them too. 
However, lately, Facebook has turned into a negative commodity in my life.  I see so much worldliness, carnality, and self-centeredness – and, amazingly, these things are more from the Christians on my friends list!  Personally, I am sick of reading comments of others that quickly turn into statements about me, myself or I.  “Congrats on this or that, when I was _____, blah, blah, blah”.  Why can’t someone just say “Congrats” and leave it at that?  Do we really care about when you were __________?  No.  Not really. 
I’ve found also that people are so willing to find out the latest gossip (“Oh, please tell who was upset with you!”) down to advocating ideas that clearly aren’t what we as Christians should hold onto!  Then there are those statements that leave me smh (or shaking my head for those of you who don’t know the vernacular – I didn’t know this one until I looked it up just a few weeks ago).  Facebook is not the best place to try to argue a point because it is difficult at best to clearly articulate your thoughts.  There’s no way to stop and ask clarifying questions as you would if you were having a face to face conversation.  I’ve gotten into “discussions” before and thought that I was pretty clear, only to have someone take issue with what I said, because to them, I was clear as mud.  And these are the end times, after all, where everyone takes offense at just about everything that everyone says – so it makes quite the environment for growing hostilities, which in most cases is really tragic, and not ought to be so within the Christian community.  I’ve even seen friends delete each other because of such ‘arguments’.   Like my pastor mentioned the other day, somehow sitting behind a keyboard whether anonymously or not, gives us all kinds of nerve to say whatever we want, which we would probably not say if we were talking to someone face to face.    
My other pet peeve is the fact that sometimes I post things on my wall for my own edification, or so I don’t forget something, or just to be a little vague about what is going on in my life; but not to solicit any kind of response from anyone!  Comments on the vague statements always make me smh!  How can someone comment on something if they don’t even know what they are commenting about?  I’ve had people “like” a statement that honestly, wasn’t something that should be liked! 

Lately though, I’ve been really irritated with those who choose to disagree with me.  I didn’t post something to invite an argument;  again, this falls under the category that I really don’t care what you think.  Let me make something clear:  Unless you can clearly make a biblical case for any given issue, I really don't care to know your opinion. 
Now, huge disclaimer.  Read carefully.  I KNOW it’s a public forum.  It’s like putting yourself out there.  If I didn’t want to get comments, then I shouldn’t write something, right?  Yes, I understand that.   It’s human nature to want to voice OUR opinion about any given topic.  And, I understand that I shouldn’t be so touchy if someone happens to disagree with me – that almost sounds very haughty of me.  After all, we should be able to exchange our ideas freely, right?  That’s what this country is all about.  That’s what my son and many others are fighting for half a world away.
Problem is, most of us at any given time are unable to express our ideas in a respectful way.  We get "offended" over things that we shouldn't, which leads to defensivness.  Then it all goes downhill from there.  But I also think that a person doesn’t have to comment on everything or even most things.  I certainly don't go around at social events, listen in to a conversation and then insert my two cents worth.  I definitely would not go and blast someone!  Well, in the same way, I don’t think we should do any of that to each other on Facebook, either.  Allow that person to post what they desire – and hey, if it’s offensive to you, then block that post, that person, or remove from your friends!  I’ve done that with a couple of people when their constant subject matter was so horribly offensive to me – I deleted them as friends.  I doubt that they even noticed I was gone.  But my eyes and heart have not been assaulted by their bad language, and disgusting content anymore. 
If it’s really quite offensive, and you know that person is a brother or sister in the Lord – maybe a private message on Facebook would be more appropriate.  Facebook is great for that – you may not have a friend’s email address – but you can message them.  But writing something on their wall can be inflammatory, or even invite others to jump in when they shouldn’t.  Especially, with the problems of clear exposition of our ideas as stated above, this kind of situation can turn ugly real fast. 
Speaking of private messaging, another one of my pet peeves is this.  Don’t write about something publically that has been presented to you in a private message.  It’s hurtful.   I’ve had this done to me on more than one occasion.  The reason why I sent you a private message was so that I wouldn’t embarrass you publically.  So why would you turn around and say something publically on your wall, even without specific information?  Again, these kind of vague statements just seem to attract all kinds of comments from those who either :  1)want to know what this is all about (gossip);  or 2) enjoy writing about a situation that they do not know the details of.   Usually, comments by the latter group of people are very disparaging (yes, gasp, even among Christians) and hurtful to the person who was being very discreet in  not publically embarrassing anyone. 
Overall, just for the record…unless I specifically ask for advice on something publically, I really don’t care what you have to say about any given subject matter that I may post on.  If you are a Christian, unless you have something edifying to say (and say it clearly); then don’t say it on my wall or about anything that I post about.  That should take care of just about everything, since there’s not many of us who can write our thoughts succinctly within Facebook’s comment/post length parameters .
So you may take this as the rantings of a crotchety old, closed minded Christian woman.  That’s your business.  I know this – this world throws at me way too much negativity, which I have to fight every single day.  I surely don’t need to go looking for it – and unfortunately, Facebook is where I find a lot of it.  I don’t need it in my life.  I will probably keep my account, but I will be locking down my privacy settings even more than before.  All negative influences will be removed from my wall.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Another Start!

Well, it seems like I stop and start working on this blog.  I usually have much to say, don't know if people really want to read it.  But often I write things here for my own benefit, to remember specific events, or to just get things out in black and white - it helps me process things.

So the big news in the past few months is that my son is officially deployed.  I'm not quite sure how I like this new normal in my life.  Parts of it are downright scary; and other parts - I've already seen the hand of God working.  Trying to balance those two - well, that's a difficult task.

Faith and fear do not mix.  If I am fearful, then that means that I don't have enough faith in Christ.  The Bible tells us not to be afraid.  In alot of different places.  The whole idea about not being afraid is so that we give our cares to God.  Well, that's kind of easy - sure, I can give my cares to God.  But I find myself taking those fears back when I allow myself to worry about the situation.  So I give the fear (in this case, the well being and safety of my son) back to God.  It's pretty weird...because in all candor, there's not a darn thing that I can do. 

Which brings me to another facet of this whole deployment and fear vs. faith.  As the mom of this young man who is now in harm's way, I have brought him up (with the help of my husband, and under the guidance of the Lord); cared for him, nurtured him...listen to him rant and rave about different things, etc....and now...the US Army has sent him off to war.  I can't take care of him anymore.  Heck, last February when we had the snow storms here, he stayed at our house, and my husband drove him into work because the roads were so bad.  (Icy roads and inexperienced Oklahoma drivers make for very dangerous travel!)   I made sure he had a lunch to take in, a travel mug of coffee, etc - generally took care of him.  Why?  Because even though he has graduated from college with honor after serving a year deployment in Iraq, he is still my little boy.  That part of a mother's heart is still intact - he is still my little boy.  And, as I suspect, he will always be my little boy.  I don't think it will ever be anything different.  Now, please, before you criticize...yes, he is an independent young man, has his own place, a good job with the state, a good citizen. a family, we stick together when one of us needs help. 

So now, my little boy is in harm's way.  There's nothing I can do to control that, nor is there anything that I can do to protect him.  Except....

Pray.  And leave him in the Father's hands. is hard to do sometimes!  But that is what we are commanded to do.  Philippians 4:6 says this:  "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God;  and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus."

That is our commandment.  Be anxious for nothing.  We are to take our cares to prayer and supplication with thanksgiving!    If you are thankful for something, it makes being anxious less hard.  Counting your blessings allows you to take your focus off what you don't have (or what you are anxious about); and puts the focus back on what you do have.  (Being thankful). 

Verse 8 says this:  "Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things."

I LOVE THIS VERSE.  Think about whatever things are true, noble, just, pure, lovely, of good report....that pretty much erases the whole "What if...." game that we as women love to play.  What if the worse thing happens to our sons?  What if....?  What if "this" happens?  The "what ifs" are not true (yet).  So as long as they are "what ifs", we are not to think about them.  The same with noble, just, pure, lovely - don't think about those things that are the opposite.  I've had to rid my life and heart of things (and people, I might add) that add a negative connotation to my life.  It's sad...but had to be done.  I can't have fellowship with those who choose to talk to me about things that are not glorifying the Lord.  I can't have fellowship with those who want to warp my mind (after all, the mind is where the battle is) with all kinds of impure thoughts.  I just can't do it anymore. 

During this time of deployment, associated concerns and the battle between giving it to God and taking it back, I just cannot handle much more.  Recognize that in yourself...if you can't handle it, then get rid of it.  Perhaps later, when the deployment is over, you may have more to give to someone else.  I know for me, at this order for me to stay afloat, and to be godly, I have to cut out alot of negativity. 

And, so Philippians 4:13 is my verse for the next year:  "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."  That about sums it up!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Back Again!

Well, here I am.  Ready to tackle this blog again.  I didn't want to publicize my absence on the world wide web; but we were out of town for 2 weeks.  Actually, out of country.  My husband took a tour group to the lovely country of Israel!  We had a marvelous time; and contrary to popular opinion, didn't even get shot at.

Although, I will say there was a bombing while we were there.  Yes, someone planted a bomb at the Central Bus Station - and our hotel was less than a mile from that station.  Guess where we were?  A group of us, enjoying our free day in Jerusalem were coming back to the hotel on a city bus!  Was that a bit unnerving?  Yes, a tad.  But seeing the stoicism of our fellow Jewish bus riders calmed me down.  The news was blasting out via the radio or intercom on the bus (not quite sure, it was all in Hebrew); so we thought something was going on.  Then a nice woman told someone in our group what had happened.  Our busy took many detours, going through neighborhoods trying to get back to our hotel.  Unfortunately, one woman at the bus station was killed in the blast.

But let's put this in perspective, shall we?  In the city/greater metro area in which I currently live, I counted no less than 5 murders while we were gone.  When we had internet access, I would see the headlines from back home, and read about the latest murders, etc.  So to all those who say that Israel is not safe, I say that's not quite true.  Truth of the matter is this:  No place is safe these days.  Anything can happen anywhere at anytime.  If you think otherwise, then you are not being realistic.  Besides that, I think it's life-threatening to get behind the wheel of a car these days - we have some cr-a-zy drivers around here, whom I think are on a death mission!

The second point, which I think is the most important is this:  God has the number of your days already figured out.  When it's your time to go, it's your time to go.  You can be at home, watching TV and die of a heart attack or stroke.  You can be in Jerusalem, and die in a bomb blast.  Nothing is going to change that time.  Nothing.  Conversely, if something horrific happens near you, if it's not your time to go, then the bomb, or attack or whatever it is will not come close to you.   I learned this lesson well a few years ago when I was less than 1/4 mile away from where the DC Sniper(s) attacked a woman!  If I had turned in the opposite direction, I would have been almost on top of where the attack took place at about the same time the attack took place.  I knew nothing about it until I got home and turned on the news. 

So, with the second point comes this question:  Are you ready?  Are you ready to die and face eternity?  For we are all eternal beings - and it is our decision where we will live for all eternity.  Heaven or hell.  If you want to go to heaven, please accept Jesus as your Savior.  Today. Jesus is the only way to get into heaven.  Tell him that you are a sinner, and that you are sorry for your sins that nailed Him to the cross.  He died, so that you may live.  Eternally.  If you have any questions about this, please leave a comment, I would be happy to help you understand.

With all that...I'm back.  Not sure if I will be posting daily or weekly.  We will see.  It's good to be back!

Monday, February 28, 2011

My New Normal

Well, this week will be about my new normal.  Can I just say that I am not a fan?  I really, really, do not like this at all.  But there is zero that I can do about it.  I went to the bank today to take care of something for my son; and as I explained to the banker, he said that he would remember Josh in his prayers.  Hmmm.  I thought that was really nice, and a gift from God. 

Yes, prayers are the only thing that is going to keep me going.  Yesterday at church, so many people came up to me to say they would be praying for my son, and for us.  So many hugs, kisses, tears.  It was amazing and very, very appreciated! 

Friday, February 25, 2011

Really Bad!

Wow, I am really bad at this photo a day blog.  So I thought what I would do is to maybe do one post a week; and include pictures from the week.  Maybe not exactly what the whole thing is about; but if the idea is to have a photo blog of the year, it will certainly serve that purpose.

EDITED TO ADD:  Boy, it's hard (at least for me) to add a bunch of pictures.  Oh...wait...I'm going to try one more thing before I go to plan B.  I sure hope it works. 

EDIT #2: It worked!!!  So excited!

This week has been a weird one.  We have gone thru it with the knowledge that our son will be leaving at some point.  We weren't really sure when, we thought it was Friday morning.  But late on Thursday, we got the word that he would actually be leaving on Sunday!  So we got a couple extra days! 

Monday was a sad day for our church family.  A young couple had a memorial service for a baby they lost through a miscarriage.  I went to the graveside service; and it was very touching, but also very sad.  I didn't go to Bible study; as I wanted to spend time with my son. 

Tuesday was spent trying to get a new insurance policy for our home and our car.  And almost dying at the price increase over last year; and wondering how we are going to pay for it.  Thank goodness, God is in control of providing for us.  

Josh at lunch
 Early Wednesday morning, I found out that my niece and her husband were going to be on TV!  They were outside the studio where the Today show is broadcast.  I saw them as the camera panned the crowd outside.  Then I got a text from my sister-in-law saying that my niece was going to be on the Kathy Lee & Hoda show.  So I waited around to see that.  I actually video'ed it using my iPhone.  Pretty neat!   Then my son and I went and got some legal documents signed and notarized.  I hope these will help when he is deployed - I can take care of any situation that comes up; or at least I hope so.  He took me out to lunch at a coffee shop in Edmond, Java Dave's.  It was pretty good.  But it was wonderful to spend time with him.  The weather was gorgeous, warm and breezy!  I wished I didn't have to go to work, I just wanted to hang out with Josh.

Josh and Pastor Ken

But he came to church.  And he looked really handsome, if I do say so myself.  The pastor and elders prayed over him; and after the Bible study we had cake for him. 

Cake for Josh

Jerry and Dan at church

We have a great church family.

My last day at work for the week was Thursday.  I enjoy my job very much; but I'm always glad for the end of the week.  At this point, we still didn't know exactly when he would be leaving, so it was a kinda sad day.  I made tacos for dinner, and both sons came over to hang out.  We watched our current favorite TV show and hung out.  And then we found out that he would be leaving Sunday for training.  He spent the night because he had all his gear here; and it was just easier for him to load it once.

Cardinal outside my window

Friday is my day off work.  I love my Fridays.  This little guy was outside my front window - hopping from the roof to the nearby tree.  I actually was able to snap a picture of him, and even had time to grab the other camera.  I love cardinals - they are so beautiful.  When I see them, it always reminds me of Matthew 6:25-34 - "Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing?  Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? Which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature?  “So why do you worry about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin;  and yet I say to you that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.  Now if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is, and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will He not much more clothe you, O you of little faith?  “Therefore do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’  For after all these things the Gentiles seek. For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things.  But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.  Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble."  I have to remind myself of that verse more often than I would like!

I went to pick Josh up this afternoon, and we went to Tinker.  He had to pick up a few things, and I was in heaven, being on an Air Force base again.  I was in the AF many years ago; consider it one of the best things I did in my life and sometimes miss it.  I love all things military; well, except for deployments, that is.  But I couldn't be prouder of the young (and old) service men and women who serve our country.

This pic was snapped as we drove along the highway. That's why part of the plane is cut off.  Josh told me it would probably be best if I didn't take pictures once we got on the base.  (darn it!)

After getting what Josh needed, we went to my favorite grocery store to pick up stuff for dinner.  I decided to grill steaks (well, actually, I volunteered my husband); made potatoes, steamed broccoli, and salad.  It was all very good.  Apparently, Crest was having their semi-annual or annual "monster" of a sale.  And so I had to take that picture!

Well, that about covers it for this week.  Tomorrow, my husband will be going to a retreat, Josh will be at the armory, and I'll be home alone.  I'm really not looking forward to tomorrow night and Sunday; for that is when Josh will be leaving.  

Not sure what the pics for next week will be about.  Will be interesting!!